Source code for bolt.tasks.bolt_delete_files

.. _task-delete-files:


This task deletes files matching a specified ``pattern`` found in a specified
``sourcedir``. A ``recursive`` flag can be specified to search also in 
sub-directories of ``sourcedir``.

The ``pattern`` specified follows the matching rules of the |python|_ standard
library ``glob.glob()`` function.

The following example configures the ``delete-file`` task to delete all the
files in a ``tmp`` directory located at the project root, and all its

    config = {
        'delete-files': {
            'sourcedir': './tmp',
            'pattern': '*.*',
            'recursive': True

The ``sourcedir`` configuration option indicates the directory to search for
file matches. This option is required.

The ``pattern`` option specifies the matching pattern to find files. This
option is required.

The ``recursive`` option indicates if sub-directories should be searched for
matches. This option is optional and has a value of ``False`` by default.

.. _task-delete-pyc:


Searches for ``.pyc`` in the specified directory and deletes them. The task
allows to recursively search sub-directories for ``.pyc`` files.

The following example shows how to configure the task to recursively delete
files from a source directory and its sub-directories::

    config = {
        'delete-pyc': {
            'sourcedir': './source',
            'recursive': True

The ``sourcedir`` option specifies the directory to search for ``.pyc`` files.
This option is required.

The ``recursive`` option indicates if sub-directories should be searched for
matches. This option is optional and has a value of ``False`` by default. 
import glob
import logging
import os

import bolt.api as api
import bolt.utils as utilities

[docs]class DeleteFilesTask(api.Task): def _configure(self): self.sourcedir = self._require('sourcedir') self.pattern = self._require('pattern') self.recursive = self._optional('recursive') def _execute(self):'Deleting {pat} from {srcdir}.'.format(pat=self.pattern, srcdir=self.sourcedir)) finder = utilities.FileFinder(self.sourcedir, self.pattern, self.recursive) matches = finder.find() utilities.delete_files_in(matches)
[docs]class DeletePycTask(DeleteFilesTask): def _configure(self): self.config['pattern'] = '*.pyc' logging.debug('Delete pattern set to ' + self.config['pattern']) super(DeletePycTask, self)._configure()
def register_tasks(registry): registry.register_task('delete-files', DeleteFilesTask()) registry.register_task('delete-pyc', DeletePycTask())