Source code for bolt.tasks.bolt_pip

.. _task-pip:


The ``pip`` task provides an automation hook to execute ``pip`` inside of
Bolt. In its simplest form, the task does not require any configuration,
and it just assumes a ``requirements.txt`` file is provided at the 
current working directory, which will be used to execute a ``pip install``.

The task also provides a simple form where a ``command`` and ``package``
are specified to allow install a single package. ::

    config = {
        'pip': {
            'command': 'install',
            'package': 'package_name'

The supported ``pip`` functionality can be configured by setting the
``command`` option to a valid ``pip`` command, and providing a set of
arguments to ``pip`` as an ``options`` dictionary where the keys are
valid ``pip`` arguments in short or long form without leading dashes
and the values are the respective argument values, or ``True`` in the
case of flags. The following shows a more advance use of this task. ::

    config = {
        'pip': {
            'command': 'install',
            'options': {
                'r': './data/project_requirements.txt',
                'target': './requirements',
                'upgrade': True,
                'force-reinstall': True

import logging
import pip

import bolt.api as api
import bolt.utils as utilities

major = pip.__version__.split('.')[0]
major = int(major)
if major >= 10:
    import pip._internal
    pip_entry_point = pip._internal.main
    pip_entry_point = pip.main

DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS_FILE = 'requirements.txt'

[docs]class ExecutePipTask(api.Task): def _configure(self): generator = _PipArgumentGenerator() self.args = generator.generate_from(self.config) logging.debug('Arguments: ' + repr(self.args)) def _execute(self): try: self._execute_pip() except SystemExit as exc: raise PipError(exc.code) return 0 def _execute_pip(self): pip_entry_point(self.args)
def register_tasks(registry): registry.register_task('pip', ExecutePipTask()) class _PipArgumentGenerator(utilities.CommonCommandAndArgumentsGenerator): def __init__(self): return super(_PipArgumentGenerator, self).__init__(DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS) def _convert_config_to_arguments(self): self.command = self.config.get('command') self.package = self.config.get('package') if self._installing_single_package: self.args = [DEFAULT_COMMAND, self.package] else: super(_PipArgumentGenerator, self)._convert_config_to_arguments() @property def _installing_single_package(self): return self.command == DEFAULT_COMMAND and self.package
[docs]class PipError(api.TaskFailedError): def __init__(self, pip_code): super(PipError, self).__init__(pip_code) def __repr__(self): return 'PipError({code})'.format(code=self.code)