Source code for bolt.tasks.bolt_shell


The ``shell`` task allows executing a shell command with specified arguments
inside the bolt execution context. This task comes handy when no bolt
specific implementation has been provided for a particular task or to invoke
an existing script that should be included as part of the process. 

The trade-off of using this task is that commands are system specific and
it makes it harder to implement a cross-platform ````.

The task takes a ``command`` parameter specifying the command to be executed,
and an ``arguments`` option that must be set to a list of string for each of
the command line argument tokens to be passed to the tool.

The following example shows how to invoke an existing |python|_ script that
takes a few parameters::

    config = {
        'shell': {
            'command': 'python',
            'arguments': ['', '--with-argument', '-f', '--arg-with', 'a_value']

..  todo::  Find a better example.
import logging
import subprocess as sp

import bolt.api as api

[docs]class ShellExecuteTask(api.Task): def _configure(self): self.command = self._require('command') self.command_line = [self.command] arguments = self._optional('arguments', []) self.command_line.extend(arguments) def _execute(self): logging.debug('Shell command line: ', repr(self.command_line)) result = if result != 0: raise ShellError(result)
def register_tasks(registry): registry.register_task('shell', ShellExecuteTask())
[docs]class ShellError(api.TaskFailedError): def __init__(self, shell_code): super(ShellError, self).__init__(shell_code) def __repr__(self): return 'ShellError({code})'.format(code=self.code)